Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pouring Grain

Joal Fadiout (my best guess), Senegal. 2006.

We took taxis and buses and cars for hire down the rutted sandy roads of senegal. I can't remember the name of the town, but from looking at the maps, I think Joal Fadiout is likely. We stopped and walked around a bit, crossing a bridge to shell covered island cemetery. I tried to take photos without people noticing.

This woman was sifting the wheat from the shaft. She would poor the grain from one bowl to the other, letting the wind carry away the casings. The town, such as it was, sat behind me as I took this photo. Squat, cinderblock buildings, one telephone at the store, only cokes for sale. Dirt paths between the closely packed houses. Beautiful boats, long canoes with vertical bows and painted sides. A grey sky, muted with dust and haze, smeared by a strong warm wind that sucked your skin dry.

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